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Organising face-to-face meetings can be somewhat frustrating, can’t it?

Picture the scene; you’re arranging a business meeting with colleagues across multiple locations. It’s taking you a great deal of time to find a suitable time and location, and then there’s the travel logistics and costs to consider as well.

If only there was a more efficient, and cost-effective way. Well, thanks to Integrated Solutions there is: Video Conferencing.

Integrated Solutions can suggest the audio visual technology that will bring the very best out of your business, and equip your offices with the Video Conferencing tools you need to excel.


Video conferencing equipment brings cutting-edge audio visual technology to the meeting room.

Easier to confer with clients all over the globe.

Be exactly where you need to be when it matters the most.

Reduce administration time and streamline productivity.

Reduce travel costs and save money.

With Video Conferencing installed, meetings can be carried out from anywhere with Internet access; decisions can be reached rapidly, travel time and expenses reduced, and productivity increased.


With the current financial climate, many organisations are looking to cut costs wherever possible. Video Conferencing reduces the time and money spent organising meetings, improving your businesses bottom line.

The technology also promotes a more eco-friendly business model. The impact of carbon emissions on the environment is something more and more businesses are taking note of. Video communication reduces the need to travel, and is thus an integral part of any environmental initiatives.

Video Conferencing: Services


Integrated Solutions can help your business take communication to the next level by fitting a bespoke video conferencing solution in your office. We’re dedicated to the installation of high-quality audio visual equipment, and will work closely with your team to ensure that every detail is taken into consideration.

The systems delivered are designed with ease of use in mind, and we also provide training for your staff to ensure that your organisation can get the most out the new equipment.

Rather than simply supplying your business with the basic video conferencing technology, we aim to maximise your meeting room’s potential by creating a fully integrated, future-proof system; that’ll please both your clients and your company.

Learn how you can save your business money and improve client communication: Contact Integrated Solutions today to find out how Video Conferencing equipment can enhance your organisation.

Video Conferencing: Text
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